RLF Empowers Rising Talent to Thrive—Today and Tomorrow
Our incredibly complex world is filled with relentless change, unpredictable ambiguity and unexpected upheaval. That’s why the need for top-quality leaders has never been greater.
RLF Creates Leaders Who Succeed through Uncertainty:
Leaders who perform well amid volatility and change.
Leaders who can more adeptly leverage their personal leadership strengths.
Leaders who proficiently apply their highly-developed critical thinking skills.
RLF Cultivates Leaders Who Build Purpose and Belonging:
Leaders who clearly know their values and instinctively do the right thing at all times.
RLF Produces Leaders Who Guide People in New Ways:
Leaders who collaborate, create and innovate with colleagues throughout the enterprise.
Leaders who can empathetically mentor other individual contributors and cultivate strong, high-powered teams.
Why Choose RLF?
Over the past 32 years, more than 5,000 leaders have graduated from RLF, coming out of the program with:
Expanded spheres of influence
Increased self-awareness and self-confidence
The ability to take on and solve more complex issues and challenges, creating more value for the organization
Heightened capabilities to collaborate and connect with others in genuine, inspiring ways
Enhanced communication techniques and strategies
Valuable facilitation skills
Deeper understanding of business models and global partnership strategies
Improved skills in working across boundaries
Here’s why RLF is unique
RLF is not one-size-fits-all management training or quick workshops, lectures or seminars. RLF is:
A rigorous and highly-experiential in-person “learning lab” which fosters long-term leadership development via six 2-day sessions held over a 7-8 month time frame.
The cross-fertilization of ideas, experiences and practices to help participants pull from within themselves and each other to blossom amid an environment of deep learning.
Long-term change best occurs in an immersive environment.
RLF's 2-day sessions are held weeks apart over the course of 7-8 months, resulting in continually reinforced change in critical thinking, behavior and capabilities.
5,000+ grads have become skillful, quality leaders.
Since 1993, hundreds of leading national and global companies have relied on RLF's time-tested program to transform their high-potential, top talent.
RLF is renowned for its rich signature curriculum
RLF's model catalyzes innovation and personal growth, instilling self-awareness, self-confidence and leadership tools to carry people to the top of their professions.
L – E – A – D
RLF is about . . . Learning
Deep knowledge is fostered through the reading and discussing of 25+ books to analyze and absorb a broad spectrum of important leadership principles.
RLF is . . . Experiential
Participants are immersed in a rich, highly engaging team environment to practice, network and grow, reaping the benefits of the experiences of everyone in the room.
RLF is about . . . Adaptability
Over 7-8 months, RLF participants become more adept at embracing and adapting to change, as a launching point to innovation, creativity and inspiration.
RLF is about . . . Discovery
RLF is about discovering one’s self and a sense of mission—to assess and adjust one’s own performance and vulnerabilities to best lead other people and new situations.