UO CPE offices are closed March 24–28 for Spring Break.

University of Oregon

Additional Services

Conference Services

Conference Services provides administrative support to a variety of conferences and noncredit workshops, including events offered by academic departments and individual faculty members. These services include activities for UO students and community members, academic societies, associations, regional meetings, and non-academic community-interest programs.

Community Engagement Events and Meetings

Community and professional development groups rent room space at the Baker Downtown Center through Continuing and Professional Education.

Program Registration Support

CPE provides registration services for noncredit and credit professional development programs in partnership with local employers, associations, vendors, and UO academic units. These services can include but are not limited to registration processing and management, accounting, customer service, and data management.

If interested, send program details to cpe@uoregon.edu for an assessment of what CPE services will best support each individual course or program.